On September 26th, you could be one of 60,000 global citizens listening to Pearl Jam, Beyoncé, Coldplay and Ed Sheeran in New York City’s Central Park. The 2015 Global Citizen Festival is at a SUPER important time for the international development community, as the Global Goals will be announced the day before at the United Nations. As we fight to end extreme poverty by 2030, these goals will help shape the international development agenda and serve as the key targets...
140 characters doesn’t seem like a lot of space to make a statement. It sounds even smaller when nearly 6,000 tweets are sent on Twitter per second. But then there’s this fact: over 300 million active users exist on Twitter. That means every tweet has the potential to reach hundreds, thousands, even millions of people! And when you think of it this way, 140 characters really matter. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to be using Twitter to ask world...
Dear Mother Earth, On behalf of the rest of humanity, I’m sorry for what we’ve done to you. We’re destructive, greedy, selfish and, well, just plain nasty. That being said, I hope you haven’t lost hope in us just yet because we are a new generation about to take the reigns, and I think you’ll dig us. We are Millennials, and we’re very cool — but I’m sure you already knew that by overhearing the not-so-very-well-known music our hipsters listen to. You’re probably also a fan of the recycled bicycles we take to work that don’t pump poison into you.
Issac Asimov once said, “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.” If it is not your desire to live in darkness then please scrub away. It is simple really: assumptions are constant, the world is not. Most of my assumptions of Africa fell apart while I stayed in Kenya.
During the Power Summit, myself and over 150 other volunteers took Capitol Hill by storm to lobby on behalf of ONE for foreign assistance programs. People often tell me how lucky I am to be able to meet with my Representatives and Senators to advocate for what I am passionate about and are surprised when I tell them how easy it is. Here are some tips and tricks from one voter to another.
By Elliott Stein, ONE member, United Kingdom Graphic: weknowmemes.com Times have changed dramatically. We no longer sit in front of the television every evening and watch the news religiously. We don’t wait for each morning to arrive to eat breakfast while reading the newspaper. Nowadays, the combination of mobile devices and increasingly busy lives mean we digest our news on the go. People turn to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for news as it happens: you could go as far as to call it...
Everyone who works in the advocacy world knows just how important the coveted letter to the editor (LTE) can be. As an organization that asks for your voice, not your money, a published LTE in your local paper is one of our most effective tools. Not only do LTEs raise awareness of global poverty and disease issues within your community and with reporters, these letters can get the attention of the elected officials who can choose whether or not...