
Stories, insights, and perspectives on activism

ONE Blog

Read stories, how-to tips, and more about using your activism to fight for justice and global change.

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The lasting impact of Nelson Mandela’s words

The lasting impact of Nelson Mandela’s words

These say everything about gender equality

These say everything about gender equality

10 youth movements changing the world

10 youth movements changing the world

Tanzania’s Newest Celebrities: Female Farmers

Tanzania’s Newest Celebrities: Female Farmers

The World’s Largest African Poetry Archive Is Coming to an Internet Near You

The World’s Largest African Poetry Archive Is Coming to an Internet Near You

8 designers making a statement on London catwalks

8 designers making a statement on London catwalks

Kenyans on Twitter: The A – Z of #KoT

Kenyans on Twitter: The A – Z of #KoT

The Global Entrepreneurship Summit: investing in women and girls

The Global Entrepreneurship Summit: investing in women and girls

The Little Red Dot Saving Lives in India

The Little Red Dot Saving Lives in India

QUIZ: Are you an emoji activist?

QUIZ: Are you an emoji activist?

10 times world leaders gave us hope for the future

10 times world leaders gave us hope for the future

ONE Data & Analysis

Data and analysis on the economic, political, and social changes impacting Africa.