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ONE Welcomes US role as host of 2013 Global Fund Replenishment Conference

WASHINGTON – The ONE Campaign applauds the Obama administration for today’s announcement that the United States will host the Global Fund’s pledging meeting in December, during which time world leaders will make new financial commitments to the Global Fund for the next three years.

With growing resources from donors and leadership from recipient countries, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria has achieved incredible results since its inception in 2002 — 5.3 million people on life-saving AIDS medication, 340 million anti-mosquito bed nets distributed and 11 million TB cases treated.

Tom Hart, ONE’s US Executive Director, said:

“The Obama administration’s $1.65 billion commitment to the Global Fund in this year’s budget request, along with today’s announcement that the US will host the replenishment conference, means America is continuing its leadership role when it comes to fighting three of the world’s deadliest diseases.

Over the course of the last decade, the Global Fund has become the single most powerful tool in the combined fight against AIDS, TB and malaria.

During this year’s conference, global leaders will face a choice. They can fall into complacency and risk that these diseases spread for decades. Or they can take a cue from the United States and the United Kingdom, and seize this moment by making sizeable commitments to the Global Fund. If total pledges reach $15 billion, what once seemed impossible could be within our grasp—the defeat of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in our lifetime–leaving behind a historic, life-saving legacy.”