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ONE Welcomes Rajiv Shah to USAID

Washington D.C.– Today, Rajiv Shah was sworn in as the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).  Following the ceremony, David Lane, President and CEO of ONE made the following statement:

“We at ONE welcome Dr. Shah to this position. We look forward to working with him as he fleshes out plans to invest in effective programs that enable countries to implement plans that will reduce deaths, particularly of children, as well as build sustainable agriculture, provide clean water and educate new generations globally.

“The United States’ role as a leader in foreign assistance provides our country standing in the international community at a time when the global political landscape is increasingly uncertain. We have a great responsibility to deliver this assistance with efficiency and with integrity. USAID is critical to achieving that goal, and Dr. Shah is the right person to revitalize and lead the agency as it shapes streamlined, effective poverty-reducing programs.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presided over the event and administered the oath of office at a ceremony in Washington D.C.