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ONE welcomes Carla Sarkozy’s appointment as Global Fund Ambassador

On World Aids Day, France’s first lady Carla Sarkozy will be made an ambassador for the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

ONE co-founder Bono said:

“This is a great match. Carla’s passion and eloquence are a great coup for the global fund, which is the best collective response the world has to the scourge of HIV/AIDS in the developing world.  Such a high profile mix of earthiness and glamour will give a real boost to the morale of those doctors and nurses fighting this deadly little virus on the ground…but more importantly those she meets who are suffering.
“Carla knows there is a big hill to climb in the fight against AIDS with the public and body politic at a time of financial torpor. She knows that although the Global Fund has achieved astonishing results, having helped put 1.75 million people on ARVs, there are still 7400 new infections every day around the globe.

“I hope Carla’s championing with the public and politicians will now help the fund to extend access to these drugs to the millions more who urgently need them.”

Oliver Buston, European Director of ONE said:

“There is still so much more to do to combat all three of these diseases, and it is vital that this message is heard loud and clear by everyone on World AIDS Day. The Global Fund has made huge strides in providing effective interventions to improve people’s health and transform their quality of life.

“The Global Fund has conducted over 46 million HIV counselling and testing sessions and has provided 2.8 million orphans with medical services, education and community care. Chronic needs for medicines and interventions remain in many countries. Carla Sarkozy can play a vital role in spreading the message that more has to be done, and crucially, that more can be done.”

Notes for editors:

  • The Global Fund was formed in order to marshal more resources for effective interventions to treat and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria; the Fund’s first round of grants was approved in 2002 to programmes in 36 countries.
  • By mid 2008, Global Fund programmes helped put 1.75 million people on antiretroviral treatment; provided 46 million HIV counseling and testing sessions and provided medical services, education and community care to 2.8 million orphans.
  • Although France is a leading donor to the global fund, ONE remains concerned that France’s overall aid budget is stagnating and is far off track for its 0.7 promise.
  • ONE has a team in Doha at the crucial summit to address overall financing for development and the shortfalls from France and EU as a whole.

About ONE

ONE is a global advocacy and campaigning organization working closely with Bono and Bob Geldof and dedicated to fighting extreme poverty around the world, particularly in Africa. ONE is backed by over 2 million people globally.
