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ONE Vote ’08 Applauds Senator Obama for Speaking Out on the Fight Against Extreme Poverty and Disease around the World

PORTSMOUTH, N.H.-ONE praised Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama today for presenting his plan to fight poverty, forgive debt, beat back the spread of disease, save lives and improve economies in the poorest nations of the world.

“Today, Senator Obama laid out his plan to fight extreme poverty and global disease. Extreme poverty takes the life of a child every three seconds. The next president will have an opportunity like never before to save millions of lives and change this monumental tragedy into a monumental triumph.  ONE calls on all presidential candidates to take a stand on these critical issues,” ONE President & CEO David Lane explained.

During a three-hour foreign policy forum in New Hampshire, Sen. Obama renewed his pledge to double U.S. foreign assistance to $50 billion by 2012.  Obama also committed to spending $50 billion over five years to fight global HIV/AIDS. The Bush Administration currently has budgeted $30 billion to fight HIV/AIDS during that period.  Obama also pledged to increase America’s financial commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

ONE, through its ONE Vote ’08 initiative, is not endorsing or opposing any candidate, but is calling on all presidential candidates to address these critical issues.

As part of a foreign policy plan released in conjunction with the forum, entitled “Strengthening our Common Security by Investing in our Common Humanity,” Obama presented a five-part strategy to “achieve a world of capable, democratic states.”  The five steps include: Making critical investments needed to fight global poverty; Expanding prosperity by increasing the capacity of developing countries to generate wealth; Supporting the building of effective, accountable, and democratic institutions that meet the needs of their people; Building the capacity of weak states to confront the common, transnational challenges we face, including epidemic disease, and; Structuring the U.S. government to meet critical 21st-century security challenges.

“ONE members are excited to hear Senator Obama and the other presidential contenders speak out and offer plans on global disease and extreme poverty. For months now, ONE members have been following the candidates on the campaign trail, asking them questions on how they will lead America and take on these critical issues. ONE thanks Senator Obama and other candidates who have provided some concrete answers, and we are eager to hear more in the days and months ahead,” Lane added.

To that end, earlier this month, ONE Vote ’08 launched the “On the Record” Challenge, the first major initiative that gives candidates from both major parties the platform to explain the specifics of their proposals on global disease and extreme poverty. As part of the “On the Record” Challenge, the candidates are being urged to produce video statements and provide specific answers to questions on HIV/AIDS, malaria, infant morality, clean water and education in the world’s poorest countries. At the end of the Challenge, ONE will roll out the results on ONE.org, allowing ONE members and all voters to easily compare the candidates and their policies. Each candidate will have a dedicated page featuring their videos and their policy platforms.

ONE Vote ’08: Saving Lives, Securing Our Future does not endorse or oppose any candidate, but urges all presidential candidates to take a stand on these critical issues and present their plans to solve problems associated with global disease and extreme poverty. The non-partisan effort brings together a broad range of talent.  Co-chaired by former U.S. Senate Majority Leaders Bill Frist of Tennessee and Tom Daschle of South Dakota, ONE Vote’s advisory team includes former Senator Bob Kerrey (D-NE), strategists Jack Oliver, Steve Jarding, and Dina Powell, former presidential advisors Donna Brazile, John Podesta, Tucker Eskew, and Mike McCurry, pollsters Geoff Garin and John McLaughlin, and leaders from the faith community, national security experts, and many others.

ONE is an effort by Americans to rally Americans — ONE by ONE — to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. ONE is a coalition of millions of Americans and more than 150 of the nation’s leading relief, humanitarian and advocacy organizations.

For more information, please visit: www.ONE.org.