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ONE: President’s Long-Awaited Global Development Plan Sets Right Course, Focuses on Results, Growth and Accountability

NEW YORK – ONE CEO David Lane issued the following statement on President Obama’s United States Global Development Strategy laid out today at the UN Millennium Development Goals Summit:

“We applaud the President for embracing the MDGs and announcing our nation’s new results-oriented development policy. The President is right to broaden the scope of development – while continuing to make aid more effective – with a focus on sustainable economic growth, good governance, and mutual accountability on the part of wealthy and developing nations alike.

“Fighting global poverty is rooted in America’s tradition of helping the most vulnerable people and a strategic understanding that increasing the stability of poor countries improves our nation’s security.

“During the past decade, we’ve learned a lot about what works. This new development policy represents a scaling up of what we know works and innovative new thinking.

“Today, the President has set the policy, but now the hard work begins to turn it into reality. The first test will come in just 12 days when the Administration has the opportunity to bolster one of the most effective tools in global health, the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.”