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ONE on Senate Passage of U.S.-Rwanda Bi-Lateral Investment Treaty

Washington, DC – Today, Sheila Nix, U.S. Executive Director of the anti-poverty advocacy group ONE, issued the following statement on the Senate passage of the United States-Rwanda Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT):

“The Senate’s ratification of the United States-Rwanda Bilateral Investment Treaty marks a new partnership between the U.S. and Rwanda that will increase trade and investment, while serving as a catalyst for job creation and economic opportunities that help people lift themselves out of poverty.

“This treaty demonstrates a powerful commitment by President Paul Kagame and the Rwandan government to promote transparency in governance and build on economic reforms to ensure smart, sustainable economic development and opportunity for this rising country.

“Started under former president, George W. Bush, and ratified under President Obama, this treaty is a bipartisan victory that will help open markets for future U.S. investments and pave the way for similar treaties with African countries in the future.”