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ONE Launches “ONE Vote 2012” in New Hampshire; Announces Granite State Co-chairs and Local Republican Ambassadors

Concord, NH – Today, ONE launches the “ONE Vote 2012” campaign in New Hampshire to engage directly with candidates, their staff and voters about the importance of maintaining American leadership in the battle to alleviate extreme poverty and preventable disease. Sarah Huckabee Sanders will manage the effort and Granite State co-chairs Executive Councilor Dan St. Hilaire and former New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chair Jayne Millerick will lead a local committee of Republican Ambassadors. The local committee features prominent conservative voices including: Representative Charlie Bass (R, NH-2), State House Representative Laurie Sanborn, former Executive Director of Cornerstone Action and Cornerstone Policy Research, Kevin Smith, and many other political and community leaders (see complete list of ambassadors below).

“ONE Vote 2012 has successfully recruited such a strong group of ambassadors because New Hampshire’s political leaders respect ONE’s no-nonsense approach to helping the world’s poorest,” said ONE Vote Co-chair and Executive Councilor Dan St. Hilaire. “These Granite State leaders stand with ONE because they recognize the less than 1% of the budget that saves millions of lives through childhood vaccines and antiretroviral treatment for HIV is money well spent. They’re committed to making sure the next president of the United States understands that, too.”

Throughout the primary season the ambassadors will work with New Hampshire’s ONE team and the state’s nearly 10,000 ONE members to raise the profile of issues that affect the world’s poorest people. Through the 2012 election, ONE and its members will ask those seeking to be president to support programs that address critical needs in developing countries. Specifically, the ONE Vote 2012 platform encourages policies that will continue to support life-saving programs and promote the long-term health and economic progress of people in the world’s poorest places.

“In 2008 and again in 2010, ONE got candidates on the trail in New Hampshire talking about their plans to continue providing life-lines to help those living in extreme poverty – to help them eventually help themselves,”  said ONE Vote Co-chair and former New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chair Jayne Millerick. “This fall, the eyes of the nation are back on New Hampshire and I want to encourage Granite Staters to take advantage of this primary window to tell candidates that we believe it is important to provide a hand up to the most vulnerable among us.”

ONE Vote 2012 co-chairs St. Hilaire and Millerick will collaborate with the state ambassadors to ensure candidates are aware of strategic, cost-effective steps the next president can take to continue to help those struggling to survive on less than $1.25 a day. They will advise the ONE team how best to reach more New Hampshire voters, speak on behalf of the organization, and urge this year’s Republican presidential hopefuls to help protect programs that provide basic childhood vaccines, treatments that prevent the transmission of HIV from mother-to-child and those that teach advanced farming techniques to help families feed themselves and become financially independent.

To learn more about ONE Vote 2012 in New Hampshire, please visit www.ONEVote2012.com or email New Hampshire Field Organizers Michael Castaldo ([email protected]) or Thomas Leary ([email protected]).

New Hampshire ONE Vote 2012 Co-chairs:

  • Dan St. Hilaire, Executive Councilor, Second District of New Hampshire
  • Jayne Millerick, President, Marcucci Consulting, former Chair of New Hampshire Republican State Committee

New Hampshire ONE Vote 2012 Ambassadors:

  • The Honorable Charlie Bass, U.S. Representative (R, NH-2)
  • Craig Benson, former Governor of New Hampshire
  • The Honorable David J. Bettencourt, Majority Leader, New Hampshire State House
  • Matt Mayberry, Director of Strategic Initiatives, WBIN-TV
  • The Honorable Laurie Sanborn, Representative, New Hampshire State House
  • Kevin Smith, former Executive Director of Cornerstone Action and Cornerstone Policy Research
  • The Honorable Jim Waddell, Representative, New Hampshire State House
  • Jen Wrobleski, Treasurer, New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women


MEDIA NOTE: For more information or to request interviews with ambassadors, please contact Hannah Schwartz at [email protected] or 202-957-3149.