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ONE Launches New Interactive Tool to Show Americans How Just a Tiny Fraction of Their Tax Dollars Saves Lives

Washington D.C. – With the April 17 Tax Day fast approaching, ONE launched an interactive tool that allows Americans to calculate how much of their annual income goes to the less than 1% of the U.S. budget that supports critical, lifesaving programs in the world’s poorest places.

ONE’s Interactive Tax Tool, available starting today at http://act.one.org/go/tax_tool, visually breaks down a taxpayer’s annual income to determine their approximate contribution to the foreign assistance budget, as well as how it compares to other categories of U.S. spending, such as national defense, social security, health, unemployment, Medicare and interest of U.S. debt. The tool aims to help Americans better educate themselves on how their tax dollars are being spent, particularly in regards to the small percentage that goes to foreign assistance. For example, a taxpayer with an average income of $49,445* would pay $8,486 in taxes based on 2011 Federal single payer income tax brackets (exemptions excluded). Of this, just $81 would go to foreign assistance, which could provide 202 days of HIV treatments, 46 life saving vaccines, or 8 bed nets that save lives.

The Interactive Tax Tool is part of a larger campaign by ONE urging Congress to oppose cuts to U.S. foreign assistance as they begin to consider the FY2013 budget. This fraction of the U.S. budget supports proven, bipartisan programs like the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), that effectively stretch American dollars and reach more people in need. These programs are also critical to bolstering stability in the developing world, which strengthens our own national security interests.

“This tool will help to highlight the world of good we are accomplishing with just a fraction of the entire U.S. budget,” said Sheila Nix, U.S. Executive Director at ONE. “Cuts to global health, food security and other life-saving and changing development programs would achieve only symbolic savings, but have a profound impact on human lives and dignity. In these tough economic times, we must assess our priorities carefully. America’s leadership in the world is best demonstrated and strengthened through our assistance to the most vulnerable people.”

The House of Representatives is set to start reviewing their FY2013 budget in the next few weeks – a budget that could make devastating cuts to cost-effective, proven programs that fight HIV/AIDS, hunger and preventable disease in this year’s budget. ONE is simultaneously launching a petition asking its 3 million members to call on their leaders to protect these life-saving programs.

The Interactive Tax Tool spotlights three proven programs that work in tandem with governments in Africa to save lives and help lift people out of poverty for the long-term. PEPFAR, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) – a public-private partnership improving access to critical vaccines in low-income countries – have provided a lifeline to millions and strengthened America’s friendships abroad.

Visit www.ONE.org to explore the Interactive Tax Tool, read the petition and learn more about the campaign.

