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  3. ONE calls for a Doha Development Deal to “draw a line in the sand”, to stop backtracking on development promises

ONE calls for a Doha Development Deal to “draw a line in the sand”, to stop backtracking on development promises

As world leaders and several thousand participants prepare to gather in Doha this week at the Doha International Conference on Financing for Development, ONE urges governments to seize this opportunity to prove that the financial crisis has not knocked the world’s poor off the agenda. Bono, co-founder of ONE, will travel to Doha to advocate this goal in several bilateral meetings.

“Doha is a chance to draw a line in the sand, stop any retreating, and reaffirm forward momentum in the fight against extreme poverty. Doha is the perfect place to meet in these tough times, as the world holds its breath, a global diplomatic development hub between north and south, east and west, rich and poor and between faiths”, ONE’s European Director Oliver Buston says.

The commitments of individual donors are at stake. ONE points out that particularly Europe’s promise of an increase to 0.51% by 2010, with half the increase for sub-Saharan Africa, is in danger mainly because of cuts from Italy and France. Crucially, these cuts were planned before the recent recession.

President-elect Obama has made strong commitments to development assistance, with doubling foreign assistance the centerpiece of his program. ONE hopes that the new administration will keep those commitments, revitalizing the global commitments to the Millennium Development Goals, while working with new development-finance partners and building on innovative financing ideas.

Bono will take part in the Doha Debates on BBC worldwide on the evening of December 1.

Media Contact in Doha: Sergius Seebohm, Cell: +49 173 249 0094
