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ONE Applauds Bipartisan Passage of PEPFAR Bill

WASHINGTON (November 19, 2013) – The ONE Campaign commends lawmakers on both sides of the aisle for reaffirming America’s commitment to the global fight against HIV/AIDS by extending the life-saving PEPFAR program.

Tom Hart, US Executive Director of ONE, said:

“PEPFAR has saved millions of lives around the world and is a crucial program towards ensuring an AIDS-free generation within our lifetimes.

We’re grateful for the bipartisan support and thank Senators Menendez (D-NJ) and Corker (R-TN) and Congressmen Royce (R-CA) and Engel (D-NJ) for their leadership in ensuring passage of this legislation.

A critical component of this bill is the provision making sure that, for every $1 invested by the US, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria will leverage at least $2 from international donors. This is another example of how American leadership is catalyzing global efforts to fight these deadly diseases.

We urge President Obama to sign this bill as soon as possible.”

Next week, a new ONE report tracking the state of the global AIDS fight will announce significant progress towards achieving the beginning of the end of AIDS by 2015, and will include specific analysis of the US contributions.

For an advanced copy, please contact Ari Goldberg at [email protected] or 202.330.3577.