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New U.S. Development Approach Welcomed

Washington, DC – On Friday, June 25th at the G8 in Canada, President Obama outlined his administration’s new approach to development.  International development was recently identified as a key component in the United States’ “National Security Strategy” which is comprised of the 3 Ds: development, diplomacy, and defense.

The new U.S. policy toward development aims to make assistance more effective and results-oriented to ensure that investments produce meaningful and lasting results.  The President also acknowledged the stabilizing effect that development assistance can play in countries to create better partners, contribute to the global economy, and offer opportunities to people to improve their lives.

“I welcome President Obama’s vision for a new U.S. approach to development policy and look forward to learning more about how this policy will be structured and carried out ,” said ONE U.S. Executive Director Sheila Nix. “ONE is a strong supporter of finding smarter and more effective ways to deliver international assistance that not only saves lives, but also puts countries on a sustainable path through equitable economic growth, improved governance, and mutual accountability.

“The next critical moments for the U.S. to show leadership on development will be at the UN Summit in September, where President Obama has promised to deliver a concrete global action plan to halve poverty by 2015,” continued Nix.