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G20 working groups should provide opportunity for new African partnership

Toronto – Today, the final G20 communiqué announced the creation of two working groups to focus on anti-corruption and international development. In expanding its portfolio, the G20 is acknowledging that these factors are inextricably tied to economic health and growth, both in the developed and developing world. ONE U.S. Executive Director Sheila Nix issued the following statement:

“To be effective, these working groups must lead to a strong G20 focus on improving governance and mutual accountability, as well as stimulating equitable economic growth in the poorest countries.

“With 900 million potential producers and consumers, Africa has an enormous amount to contribute to the global economy through trade and investment. The G20 can provide a foundation for a new partnership with Africa, but only if it can find ways to formally accommodate the voices of the countries and people it currently fails to represent.

“Following through on action plans developed at the UN Summit in September will require stronger, more accountable commitments to be made in Seoul and the dedicated working groups are a positive sign that the G20 will take up that mantle.”