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Celebrities Share Funny Predictions for 2015 Along with One Very Real Possibility: The Beginning of the End of AIDS

Washington, D.C.–Global grassroots advocacy and campaigning organization ONE today launched a new PSA called “I Predict” to support their Beginning of the End of AIDS campaign. Through “I Predict,” ONE sets out to show viewers that, with public support and political will, the beginning of the end of AIDS – something that seemed unthinkable even 10 years ago – is now very much within reach.

The PSA was filmed at the Sundance Channel HQ on Main Street in January 2012 at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.  ONE was onsite as the official non-profit partner of Sundance Channel. Produced by Wondros, the creative firm founded by award-winning filmmaker Jesse Dylan, “I Predict” features actors declaring humorous and farfetched predictions for the year 2015, along with one very realistic prediction: the beginning of the end of AIDS.

In the sixty-second spot, actor Edward James Olmos predicts “fax machines make a huge comeback” and “pigs will fly,” actress Allison Janney predicts “Charlie Sheen will be President,” actress Melanie Lynskey predicts “there will be no more kittens on YouTube,” comedic actor Martin Starr predicts “I’ll move out of my mom’s house” and “Facebook and Google will merge to form Fagoogle,” and actor Richard Jenkins predicts “the Cubs win the World Series” – and that “we will see the beginning of the end of AIDS.”

The PSA can be viewed at www.ONE.org and will appear across multiple digital platforms including AOL and YouTube. Viewers are encouraged to take action and sign a petition calling for the reversal of proposed budget cuts to the life-saving AIDS program PEPFAR and for the fulfillment of our commitments to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Visit ONE.org to sign the petition today and help ONE reach their goal of 250,000 signatures by the end of 2012.

To complement the comical and unlikely predictions featured in the PSA, ONE will also launch a “I Predict” social media campaign on April 1st to coincide with the PSA’s release. In the spirit of April Fool’s Day, ONE is asking supporters to tweet, post on Facebook and share their craziest, funniest and most unlikely predictions for 2015 using the hashtag #ipredict and a link to the PSA and petition: http://bit.ly/H1fBSF.

“We’re at a critical point in the fight against AIDS and we need to act now,” said actress AnnaLynne McCord. “ONE’s goals are ambitious, but they are absolutely achievable if we all do our part. It’s our responsibility to take action and do whatever we can to make the Beginning of the End of AIDS by 2015 a reality. Spread the word, sign the petition, and help make this prediction a reality.”

The world has made incredible progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Over 6.6 million people are on lifesaving AIDS treatment and nearly 350,000 babies have been born HIV free to-date thanks to programs like the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Still, we are a long way from declaring victory on AIDS. There are roughly 8 million people still in need of treatment, more than 1,000 babies are born HIV-positive every day, and new HIV infections still outpace those newly placed on treatment by nearly 2:1.

Now more than ever, we must recommit ourselves to the fight against HIV. By 2015, we can mark the beginning of the end of AIDS if we meet these important goals:

  • End mother-to-child transmission of HIV
  • Increase the number of people on HIV treatment to 15 million
  • Drastically reduce new HIV infections

“We believe that the Beginning of the End of AIDS starts with each one of us … you, me, everyone, acting together” said Michael Elliott, president and CEO of ONE. “Start by signing ONE’s petition and then tweet, post and share it with your friends, asking them to do the same. AIDS has killed 30 million people over the last 30 years, but we finally have the medicine and knowledge to turn the tide. It doesn’t take a fortune teller to know that the beginning of the end of AIDS is within our reach — if we have the will. Our leaders in Washington need to hear that this is a priority.”