Washington, DC-Applications and nominations are now being accepted for the 2009 ONE Africa Award, which honors outstanding contributions by Africans who are leading the fight against poverty and preventable disease on the continent.

The second-annual ONE Africa Award celebrates and bolsters innovative Africa-led, Africa-driven efforts to help advance one or more of the Millennium Development Goals, the world’s blueprint to a better future. The goals address critical issues to development, such as halving extreme poverty, halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and malaria and providing universal primary education. The recipient of the ONE Africa Award will be awarded up to $100,000.

“Throughout Africa, there is tremendous progress being made to end extreme poverty and preventable disease in countless innovative and effective ways,” ONE’s President and CEO David Lane said. “New ideas and exciting approaches are transforming lives. The ONE Africa Award celebrates African leadership and hopes to inspire new efforts so more lives can be transformed, more families can escape poverty and more opportunities can be created for Africans.”

Individuals, organizations or advocacy groups based in Africa that demonstrate innovative approaches and measurable results in helping to meet one or more of the Millennium Development Goals are invited to apply. Applications for the ONE Africa Award will be accepted between June 22, 2009 and August 21, 2009 by visiting www.ONE.org/africaaward. The award recipient will be announced in October 2009.

Last year, the first-ever ONE Africa Award was given to Development Communications Network (Devcoms) for their work with the media in Nigeria, training and sensitizing journalists and editors to public health care issues especially for women and children. Reducing child and maternal mortality are the fourth and fifth Millennium Development Goals, but some of the least progress has been made on these goals, especially in Africa. Devcoms’ work sensitizing and immersing reporters in public health issues has corresponded with a 15 percent rise in media coverage of maternal and child health in Nigeria. Devcoms also provides media support to advocacy efforts for free maternal and child healthcare across the country.

As demonstrated by last year’s award-winner, Devcoms, the ONE Africa Award seeks to highlight the dynamism and achievements of African individuals and organizations who are building a better future for their communities, countries and continent.

Contact Information

For award inquiries: Edith Jibunoh;  Phone: +234 9 4611336;   E-mail:   [email protected]

For media inquiries: Stephen Wilson;  Phone: 202-495-2772;    E-mail:   [email protected]

Helen Palmer;  Phone: +44-207-434-7550, E-mail:   [email protected]