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ONE reaction to G8 food security communiqué

Campaign group welcomes deal for farmers; calls for clarity of commitments

Keep Africa aid promises and act now to stem hunger, G8 told, or risk global irrelevance

L’Aquila, Italy — Leaders of the world’s eight biggest economies must act this week to rescue their aid promises to Africa, advocacy group ONE said today, including agreeing a special deal for the continent’s farmers.

ONE Celebration Event at Youssou Ndour: I Bring What I Love Los Angeles Premier

Los Angeles, Calif.-On Friday, July 3, the global anti-poverty organization ONE will celebrate the Los Angeles premier of the award-winning film Youssou Ndour: I Bring What I Love. The film chronicles the remarkable story of Youssou Ndour, Grammy-award winning artist and social activist who also serves as a member of ONE’s Policy Advisory Board.

Senate Has Chance to Bring Clean Water to 100 Million People for the First Time

Washington, D.C.-More than 100,000 ONE members called on Senators to provide first time clean water and sanitation for the world’s poorest people by cosponsoring the Durbin-Corker Water for the World Act of 2009 (S. 624).


WASHINGTON, D.C. – ONE, the advocacy organization to fight extreme poverty, today announced that it is launching a recruitment drive for new members as part of the U2 360° world tour. It will use its presence and profile through the tour to raise awareness and let people know about the critical progress being made against extreme poverty and preventable disease in Africa. ONE, co-founded by Bono, will be present at the venues and featured in the show throughout U2’s tour, which kicked off Tuesday night in Barcelona and will be seen by over 3 million fans this year.

ONE Launches “2009 ONE Africa Award” for African Leadership, Activism

G7 Finance Ministers: Italy and France must deliver plan to get back on track with Africa promises

G7 Finance Ministers arriving today in Lecce, Italy, must urgently deliver a plan showing how they will meet the promises to Africa they made four years ago at the Gleneagles Summit, global advocacy group ONE said today.

G8 commitments to Africa: some on track, but Italy and France may cause G8 as a whole to default

G8 commitments to Africa: some on track, but Italy and France may cause G8 as a whole to default Bill Gates, Bob Geldof, Dr Françoise Ndayishimiye, Arunma Oteh and Archbishop Desmond Tutu launch ONE’s 2009 DATA Report at London press conference •G8 starting to deliver aid quantity and quality; Italy and France threaten progress. •Smarter aid flows generating results against AIDS, malaria, illiteracy. •G8 delivering on debt cancellation, failing on trade; small steps promoting investment. • Need for renewed effort, starting at Italian G8 Finance Ministers meeting tomorrow.

ONE Hawaii Members Ask Sen. Inouye to Help Fight Global Poverty

Washington D.C. – Hawaii ONE member Mary-Louise Dunigan travelled all the way to Sen. Daniel Inouye’s Washington, D.C. office Thursday to ask him to support critical programs that provide people with necessary tools to lift themselves out of extreme poverty. On behalf of almost 600 fellow Hawaii ONE members, Dunigan, a resident of Mililani, delivered a petition asking Senator Inouye to use his authority as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee to fully fund the President’s budget for the struggle against global poverty.

San José Mayor, City Council Members Honor ONE and Local Student Advocates

San José, Calif.–San José City Councilmember Ash Kalra joined Andrew P. Hill High School students, teachers and other members of the grassroots, global anti-poverty organization ONE June 1 to…

ONE Welcomes President Obama’s FY2010 Budget Request

ONE Welcomes Comprehensive Approach to Global Poverty Alleviation in President Obama’s FY2010 Budget Request, Urges Congressional Action

Bono & ONE Applaud President Obama’s Boost to Global Health Spending

Bono and ONE Applaud President Obama’s Boost to Global Health Spending