Press Releases

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Bono and K’naan Meet with Somali Minnesotans in Minneapolis, Urge Action on Growing Famine in the Horn of Africa

Washington, DC – Bono, U2 lead singer and cofounder of ONE (, the global anti-poverty advocacy group, and K’naan, the Somali-born singer and poet, met last evening with members…

ONE Connects American and African Moms in Blogger Trip to Kenya

Washington, D.C. – A delegation of mom bloggers will travel to Kenya from July 23 to July 30 with the ONE Campaign, a non-partisan advocacy organization dedicated to the fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease around the world, particularly in Africa.

ONE Taps Campaign Veteran Laurie Moskowitz to Lead U.S. Campaigns; House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Dr. Pearl Alice Marsh as U.S. Policy Director

Washington, D.C.-ONE today announced that seasoned campaign veteran Laurie Moskowitz will lead ONE’s U.S. campaign and advocacy efforts as its new Senior Director of U.S. Campaigns. Senior staff member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Dr. Pearl Alice Marsh, has also come on board as ONE’s new U.S. Policy Director.

ONE Applauds Obama Administration for Life-saving Vaccines Pledge in London

Washington, D.C. – Sheila Nix, U.S. Executive Director of The ONE Campaign, today issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s pledge to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)

Bono: Vaccines are a Global Health Game-Changer

Washington, D.C. – Earlier today, Dr. Rajiv Shah, Administrator of USAID, announced that the Obama Administration is committing $450 million over the next three years to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). The announcement was made at a GAVI pledging conference in London. It is a confirmation of the President’s commitment to the introduction of two new life-saving vaccines to help prevent pneumonia and diarrhea in infants and children in the world’s poorest places.

Michael Elliott Named President and CEO of ONE

Washington, D.C. – ONE, the global anti-poverty advocacy group, announced today that its Board of Directors has appointed journalist and editor Michael Elliott to serve as President and CEO of ONE, effective August 1. Elliott succeeds Joshua Bolten, ONE board member and former Chief of Staff to President Bush, who had been serving as interim CEO during ONE’s search.

ONE Launches the “One App that Could Change the World” in the Apple App Store

Washington, D.C. – ONE (, the anti-poverty advocacy group cofounded by Bono, today announced the availability of the ONE App for the iPhone. A free mass-market app designed exclusively for advocacy, the ONE App brings together the latest activism tools in a powerful mobile platform. Built in partnership with, the ONE App’s unique design and functionality make it the modern way for people to get the facts, get connected and create change in the fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease.

A Message to the President from The ONE Campaign, “Now is the time to deliver”

Washington, DC – “The U.S. government has the opportunity to save millions of lives and follow through on their own commitments to do so. To that end, we have been actively and persistently engaged with your Administration in an effort to convince you to commit to a strong pledge to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) to help save 4 million infants and children by 2015. To do our share along with other nations, the U.S. should commit $450 million over 3 years.

Bono meets President Calderon of Mexico

Bono, co-founder of ONE, met with President Calderon today to ask him to make the fight against poverty central to the 2012 Mexican G20 agenda. Speaking after the meeting, Bono…

ONE Debuts Mother’s Day Video Featuring Former First Lady Laura Bush

Asks American Moms to Raise Their Voices on Behalf of African Moms: “Make Every Day a Happy Mother’s Day”

ONE Launches New Childhood Vaccines Campaign To Help Save 4 Million Children’s Lives In 5 Years; Unveils New PSA, “Why Bother?”

Washington, DC – Today, the anti-poverty advocacy group, ONE, launched a new campaign and cutting-edge PSA to promote increased access to childhood vaccines that combat two of the biggest killers of children in the developing world: pneumonia and diarrhea. Leading experts and parent advocates joined ONE to share why vaccines are a “best buy in public health” because they are one of the most cost-effective ways to prevent disease for a lifetime.

ONE Statement on the Passage of the FY 2011 Budget

Washington, DC – Sheila Nix, U.S. Executive Director of The ONE Campaign, a non-partisan advocacy organization dedicated to fighting extreme poverty and preventable disease, today issued the following statement