Press Releases

Latest Press Releases

Tullow Oil Sets New Standard for Transparency

Tullow Oil PLC has today set a new standard for transparent disclosure of payments to governments, becoming the world’s first extractive company to publish details of payments, on a project-by-project basis, in all countries where they are made.

Gender Gap Holds Back Africa’s Women Farmers: New report from ONE and The World Bank

Tackling the pervasive inequality faced by women farmers across Africa is critical if the continent is to reduce poverty, boost economic growth and feed its growing population says a new report published today by the World Bank Group and The ONE Campaign.

ONE Reacts to President Obama’s Proposed FY 2015 Budget

Overall, the President’s proposed budget to fight global poverty and disease is a positive step forward in a time of difficult budget constraints.

ONE Reacts to Ugandan anti-Homosexuality Bill

At ONE, we are deeply concerned at the signing of the Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill recently, and at similar legislation passed earlier this year in Nigeria.

ONE Applauds Bipartisan House Committee Vote on Electrify Africa Act

We are thrilled that the House Foreign Affairs Committee moved a bipartisan bill that will help bring electricity to 50 million Africans for the first time at no new cost to the American taxpayer.

ONE Hosts 200 Volunteers from 43 US States for DC Day of Lobbying

The summit kicked off with a surprise appearance by ONE co-founder and U2 lead singer, Bono, who thanked the volunteers for their time and dedication to the fight against extreme global poverty.

ONE Applauds Canada for Protecting Foreign Assistance Dollars

Last week, ONE and its partners delivered 20,000 signatures from Canadians calling for no budget cuts.

ONE Applauds Senate Passage of International Food Aid Reforms

We commend Senate lawmakers on both sides of the aisle on the passage of the international food aid reforms in the 2014 Farm Bill.

ONE Urges Support for International Food Aid Reforms

The ONE Campaign expresses its strong support for the US international food aid provisions contained in the 2014 Farm Bill. If passed, these long-awaited reforms will provide much needed flexibility to the way the United States currently delivers its food aid.

ONE Applauds Funding for Foreign Assistance Programs in FY 2014 Budget Bill

This is a clear demonstration that both sides of the aisle and both chambers in Congress are committed to coming together on behalf of the world’s poorest people.

ONE Welcomes Nomination of Dr. Deborah Birx as US Global AIDS Coordinator

The ONE Campaign applauds the nomination of Dr. Deborah Birx to serve as US Global AIDS Coordinator, a position that leads America’s life-saving PEPFAR program and oversees its important partnership with The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria.

ONE Welcomes Global Pledges to World Bank’s Poverty-Fighting Arm

Donor nations have recognized how important it is to support the institutions at the forefront of the fight against poverty and should be applauded for their collective support of the IDA.