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The G20 fail to bring full transparency to the fight against global corruption and tax evasion

Despite all the progress in the fight against tax evasion and corruption made this year in the run up to the summit, the G20 leaders have fallen at the final hurdle, talking up their commitment to transparency but failing to deliver it.

Zombies, Colin Farrell Uncover a ‘Trillion Dollar Scandal’

NEW VIDEO: Developing countries are being robbed of at least $1 trillion each year—it is nothing short of a “Trillion Dollar Scandal”

ONE Welcomes Introduction of Anti-Corruption Legislation in Canada

The ONE Campaign today welcomed the introduction of draft legislation in Canada that would establish new mandatory reporting standards for oil, gas, and mining companies.

ONE Congratulates Nobel Winners Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi

The ONE Campaign welcomes today’s announcement that Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for risking their lives to fight for children’s rights. The Nobel…

DATA Report 2014: Only One-Third of Aid Goes to Countries Most in Need

WASHINGTON — The ONE Campaign’s 2014 DATA Report finds that only 37% of US foreign assistance — and only one-third of global aid — goes to the countries in…

New ONE PSA Shines Light on Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

‘Halfway There’ celebrates the activists who helped slash poverty in half, urges us to finish the job.

ONE & Actor/Activist Idris Elba Urge Swift Global Action on Ebola Following UN Meeting; Warn Funds Must Get to Ground Quickly

Elba and ONE deliver petition to UN officials with 100,000+ people demanding swifter action on Ebola crisis.

ONE Applauds Major US Commitment to Ebola Response

WASHINGTON – The ONE Campaign today praised President Obama’s announcement to significantly increase US funding and resources in response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa. Tom Hart, US Executive…

ONE shines light on the “Trillion Dollar Scandal”

At least a trillion dollars a year is siphoned out of developing countries through corrupt activity involving shady deals for natural resources, the use of phantom firms, money laundering and illegal tax evasion, according to new research by The ONE Campaign. These are precious resources to fight poverty in countries that can least afford to lose them.

NEW POLL: African Citizens Speak Out on Top Priorities, Views of US and China, and Other Concerns

Ahead of Historic White House Summit, ONE and GeoPoll Surveyed citizens across nine African Countries.

New ONE Initiative Presents World through Eyes of Girls & Women

The ONE Campaign today launched a new Girls and Women initiative, with the goal of motivating people to take action against extreme poverty, which disproportionately affects girls and women. The program will feature a vibrant web portal which will serve as the go-to site for news and information on issues affecting girls and women, all curated by high-profile, compassionate influencers.

ONE Launches Power Project to Rally Senate Support for the Energize Africa Act

The ONE Campaign kicked off the Power Project, a nationwide effort to raise support for life-changing bipartisan legislation in the Senate to help African countries deliver electricity to millions of people for the first time.