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MUSKOKA Initiative fails to deliver for mother and children

Toronto – The much anticipated Muskoka Initiative fails to meet the needs of too many mothers and children in the poorest parts of the world. The $5 billion total from the G8 is inadequate to address the scale of this problem, ONE said.

Although Canada deserves some credit for putting maternal and child health in the developing world on the G8 agenda, elevating this issue has not brought about the commitments to truly turn the tide on this vital issue. It is effectively passing the buck to the United Nations to deal with in September, when world leaders will address all of the Millennium Development Goals.

U.S. Executive Director Sheila Nix said: “Eight of the world’s most powerful people had an opportunity today to support the world’s most vulnerable people – mothers and their children. The resources announced by the G8 are a start but fall far short of the amount needed to get two of the most neglected Millennium Development Goals back on track.

“The worth of the G8 is measured by its record on keeping promises, not making them. We have yet to see a strong framework for transparency and accountability, which is necessary to ensure this money is used effectively to produce real results for the women and children who need it most. Individual countries’ commitments will be judged when the specific numbers are released.”