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ONE: Budget Cuts Would Have Profound Impact on U.S. Global Health and Development Efforts

Washington, DC – Sheila Nix, U.S. Executive Director of ONE, the bipartisan anti-poverty advocacy group, issued the following statement on the impact of Congressional budget cuts to global health and development programs:

ONE and our two million members urge Congress to oppose cuts to U.S. foreign assistance funding that supports critical, lifesaving programs.

For decades the United States has led the way in helping the poorest people in the world become healthier, better educated and more economically self-sufficient.  While there is still much to be done, great progress has been made.

Using less than one percent of the United States budget we have helped save millions of lives through basic childhood vaccinations, malaria prevention and treatment, and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.  It is now possible that, by 2015, no child will be born with HIV.  This was unimaginable even 5 years ago.  In 2010, 98 million fewer people went hungry compared to 2009, due in part because of our support of agricultural development.   Millions more children are in school.  More moms are living through childbirth.  Since 1990, some 400 million people have been lifted out of extreme poverty.  This is living proof American generosity makes a world of difference.

Cuts to global health and development would achieve only symbolic savings but have a profound impact on human lives and dignity. In these austere times, we must not misplace our priorities. America’s leadership in the world is demonstrated, and assisted, through our assistance to the most vulnerable people.