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ONE Applauds President Obama’s Bold HIV/AIDS Initiatives

WASHINGTON – Sheila Nix, U.S. Executive Director of ONE, issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s World AIDS Day announcement of his administration’s new commitments to the battle against HIV/AIDS:

“At the World AIDS Day event hosted today by ONE and (RED), President Obama made a bold commitment that will turn a new chapter in the 30-year battle against HIV/AIDS.  If other world leaders show the same level of focus and determination, it is entirely possible we will soon see the beginning of the end of AIDS.

“The President announced that the United States will:

  • Provide more than 1.5 million HIV-positive pregnant women with antiretroviral drugs to prevent them from passing the virus to their children over the next two years
  • Provide more than 6 million people with antiretroviral treatment through PEPFAR-two million more than their previous goal-by 2013
  • Provide support for more than 4.7 million voluntary medical male circumcisions in Eastern and Southern Africa over the next two years
  • Distribute more than 1 billion condoms over the next two years
  • Stand by the US’ historic multi-year pledge to the Global Fund

“And, just as we have called on European and African governments to step up their efforts alongside the US, President Obama reinforced that financing the fight against AIDS should be a shared global responsibility.

“The President’s commitment also takes into account the current challenging budget environment by the call for minimal new funding, in large part by saving significant resources through the following reforms:

  • Instituting more efficient procurement via a new pooled      supply chain management system
  • Expanding use of generic ARVs
  • Switching from air to land and sea freight – still delivering      live-saving drugs on-time, but for less      money
  • Maximizing investments through better coordination with the      Global Fund and the elimination of parallel systems

“As we mark World AIDS Day we look to a future where we actually can see the beginning of the end of AIDS.  We realize there is much more to be done and we are grateful for President Obama’s leadership on HIV/AIDS which builds on the legacies of Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.   This issue is truly one with no partisan barricades, for which we, our 2.5 million members, (RED) supporters, and our partner organizations are greatly appreciative. It is through this consistent bipartisanship that so much progress has been made – and through which we will achieve, by 2015, an AIDS-free generation.”