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ONE Statement on FY2012 Omnibus Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON – Sheila Nix, U.S. Executive Director of The ONE Campaign, today issued the following statement regarding the release of the FY2012 Omnibus Appropriations Bill:

“While budgets overall are going down, ONE is grateful Congress made difficult decisions to prioritize funding for programs that are delivering results – programs that combat HIV/AIDS, provide childhood vaccines that protect kids from deadly, yet entirely preventable diseases, and equip farmers with the necessary skills to help feed their families and put measures in place to prevent future food crises from occurring.

“We are especially grateful for the bipartisan cooperation and leadership of Senator Leahy, Senator Graham, Representative Granger and Representative Lowey in protecting these priorities.

“Support for key global health and development programs demonstrates that, despite these challenging fiscal times, the United States remains committed to our long-standing legacy of saving lives and putting the world’s poorest on a pathway out of poverty.”