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Four things you can do on July 4th to make the world a better place!


Happy Independence Day! Here at ONE in America, we’re celebrating the Fourth of July by continuing our fight to make the world a safer, healthier, and more equitable place for everyone.

Here’s 4 ways you can get involved on July 4th:

Send an email

We know, we know: it’s a holiday! But civic engagement is a great way to be patriotic – plus, we’ve made it *super easy* for you.

You could tell your Members of Congress to support robust foreign assistance funding for Fiscal Year 2025. Or, you could ask your Senator or Representative to cosponsor a resolution in support of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which helps protect children from preventable diseases! (Maybe they already did, and you want to say thank you!)

Just click the link, fill out your information and press send – a few seconds of your day can go a long way to making sure ONE’s issues are at the top of lawmaker’s minds.

Share a Tweet or Post on Facebook

Trying to avoid opening your email on the day off? We’ve got you covered. Share a quick social media post and tag your Members of Congress!

Tell them why our long legacy of foreign assistance is a reason to celebrate America on its birthday, or why US leadership through global health programs like Gavi, PEPFAR, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria – and the millions of lives saved by those programs – are something we can all be proud of. 

Need some inspo? We’re way ahead of you.

Write a letter or card

Take the old-fashioned route: write your Members of Congress a letter. (Parchment and ink not necessary, but points for creativity!) Emails and social media posts are, but isn’t there just something about a handwritten note? Your members of Congress want to hear from YOU, their constituents – a personal touch can make all the difference.

Localize it: The programs ONE fights for are global but their impacts mean a lot for Americans, too. Want to know exactly how many deaths your state’s contributions to Gavi have helped prevent? Check it out – and share with your lawmakers!

Invite your friends and family to join!

There’s power in numbers. While you’re waiting for the fireworks to start, tell your family, friends, or neighbors about ONE and why you care about our issues – and she them how they can use their voice to make the world a better place.

Get creative! Maybe you make it a competition – first to tweet at their Member of Congress gets a Firework popsicle. Or get the kids involved – a handwritten letter to Congress surely needs some patriotic cover art. Are you the grill master at your family cookout? Withhold hot dog and hamburger access until your guests send an email to their Member of Congress! (Okay, not really…. but you get where we’re going with this.) 

However you choose to celebrate Independence Day, we’re proud to have you here with us, fighting for a world where everyone, everywhere has equal access to the resources they need to live a healthy, prosperous life.

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