
Stories, insights, and perspectives on activism

ONE Blog

Read stories, how-to tips, and more about using your activism to fight for justice and global change.

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14 infographics of the biggest global development moments of 2014

14 infographics of the biggest global development moments of 2014

14 facts that reveal the impact of Ebola on people in West Africa

14 facts that reveal the impact of Ebola on people in West Africa

10 incredible tech innovations that will benefit humanity

10 incredible tech innovations that will benefit humanity

11 ways to make overseas aid even better

11 ways to make overseas aid even better

South Africa’s townships: a poem of determination

South Africa’s townships: a poem of determination

How corruption fuels global poverty in 3 facts

How corruption fuels global poverty in 3 facts

11 places where bad guys stash their cash

11 places where bad guys stash their cash

Back to school: 5 books about global development

Back to school: 5 books about global development

Africa Fashion Week London: 6 designers to watch

Africa Fashion Week London: 6 designers to watch

5 Infographics that explain the Ebola outbreak

5 Infographics that explain the Ebola outbreak

10 ways that breastfeeding fights extreme poverty

10 ways that breastfeeding fights extreme poverty

6 ways energy poverty threatens health care for the poorest

6 ways energy poverty threatens health care for the poorest

ONE Data & Analysis

Data and analysis on the economic, political, and social changes impacting Africa.