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Here’s how coming together as ONE can create change 

We know there is power in coming together as one. One voice. One driving force.  

At ONE, we know that there is power in numbers, and that power can be used to fight for a more equal and just world. For the last two decades, this has been our mission.  

As ONE celebrates 20 years of activism this year, we are looking back at our accomplishments and looking ahead at what’s next.  

Keep reading to find out how we’ve come together as one over the years to make a difference.  

20 years of activism  

From influencing policymakers to pass better laws to helping secure more funding for crucial resources, ONE has done a lot in 20 years. 

We have fought for more access to healthcare and lifesaving medicine – because where you live shouldn’t determine whether you live. We support the global health players who know how to create meaningful progress, like the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.  

We’ve worked with changemakers around the world through petitions, on-the-ground actions, and creative campaigns to ensure there are better laws and policies that make the world a fairer and more equal place for everyone. We helped get the Electrify Africa Act passed in the US. We pushed European leaders to join our fight against extreme poverty And we advocated for stricter gender-based violence laws in Senegal and increased health spending in Nigeria.  

How we create change 

None of this would be possible without the help of our amazing activists globally, who have come together as one for two decades to make a difference.  

By bringing together activists’ voices, hard-hitting data and policy analysis, and our decades of campaigning expertise, we pressure decision-makers to take actions that will help tackle the world’s biggest challenges. 

What the future holds 

We’ve accomplished a lot, and we’re not done yet. Until life-changing opportunities exist for everyone, our work is not over. We’re hungry for more action, more change, and a more equal and just world for everyone, everywhere.  

The world looks very different than it did when ONE first started advocating for change 20 years ago. But our determination to create a more just world hasn’t changed. 

We know there is power in numbers. Together, we can make the world listen and take action.  

That is the power of ONE.  

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