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You are helping build a healthier future through immunization 

For millions of children, vaccinations can make the difference to ensure a healthy life filled with possibility. When a child is protected from infectious diseases, they can go to school. Their parents can go to work. And their community can thrive. 

The world has made remarkable progress in vaccinating children over the past 24 years, thanks to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Since it was founded in 2000, Gavi has raised over $22 billion in direct contributions to support immunization efforts in 78 lower-income countries. 

And these investments have delivered. According to the latest Gavi Progress Report, Gavi has helped prevent over 18.8 million future deaths through its support for routine immunization programs in lower-income countries. And in total, Gavi has helped immunize over 1.1 billion children.

These numbers are impressive and a model for what works when we partner together for a healthier world. 

And if you live in one of the countries that supports Gavi, you can take pride in this remarkable progress. 

That’s right: if you live in the UK, you helped Gavi avert over 4 million deaths since 2000. Are you German? You helped immunize almost 56 million children through routine immunization.

Check out the impact of Gavi’s top 15 sovereign donors below and see how you are helping change lives.

Gavi results broken down by the top 15 sovereign donors*

CountryDeaths avertedChildren immunized
European Commission241,78514,147,007
*Note on method:  To measure the impact of donor contributions on results, the share of total contributions made by the donor is calculated using each donor’s contributions and total contributions from all donors in USD for comparability. The calculated share of funding is then multiplied to the total reported results for each indicator. Given the results used in this tool do not go beyond 2023, total contributions pledged for the periods 2000-2010, 2011-2015, 2016-2020 are counted. For the 2021-2025 period, contributions pledged for the years 2021-2023 are included. Funding for the 2021-2025 period that have not yet been allocated to a specific year are not included. Contributions and results for COVAX are not included as they are reported separately. Pledged contributions for IFFIm, Matching Fund, and PCV AMC are included.

Want to make sure Gavi can keep doing this crucial work? Then help us raise awareness about Gavi’s impact and make sure decision-makers keep investing in this life-saving partnership. Share this post now!

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