This is part of our series of blogs exploring the facts about why #PovertyisSexist. Today we’re taking a closer look at the challenges girls and women face in the agriculture sector. Although the headline is a bit clickbait-y, this statistic is unfortunately true in some parts of sub-saharan Africa. However, not for the reasons you may think. Men aren’t naturally better at farming than women, in fact women provide roughly half of all agricultural labour in Africa. But due to less access to...
Today is World Health Day and the theme for 2015 is Food Safety. Now, this may take you back to begrudgingly putting your hair up during food tech classes to avoid the stray-hair-in-your-pasta-drama, but food safety is actually about a LOT more than a strand of additional protein accidentally landing in your spag-bol!
Isn’t it annoying when politicians dodge your questions? We think so! Thats why we we launched our Just Say Yes campaign this week. Will you join us and get candidates to say YES to ending extreme poverty?
Across Africa, in schools and parks, on beaches and streets; goal posts are improvised, teams are assembled, and tomorrow's football stars show off their skills. Crowd-sourced from the talented photographers of Flickr, here are 15 of the best images that capture how Africa plays football.
Wherever we live in the world, our agriculture, food, family celebrations and our culture are what binds us to our countries. Within the African continent, there's a huge diversity of food culture. We asked our Africa team, who are made up of many African nationalities, to share their favourite foods.