Guest blogpost by Natasa Kokic, ONE member and volunteer Today sees the kick-off of U2’s iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE tour in Europe. Over the next few weeks, stages and stadiums across Europe will be lit up with music, with joy, with euphoria. Throats will be raw, tears will be shed, but above all, powerful and lasting memories will be made. As a music lover and long-time social justice activist, a question I’ve long asked myself is this: How can music help in...
Africa is a beautiful and varied continent, but going by what you see from the majority of photographs in the media, you’d be forgiven for thinking all that existed in each of its 54 countries was never ending savannahs and endless safaris. This year a brilliant hashtag erupted on social media – #TheAfricaTheMediaNeverShowsYou – which aimed to break the perception that all African countries were the same – affected by poverty, war and hunger – and boy were the...
I think we’ve all heard, and probably been offended by, the phrase “youth is wasted on the young”, but does anyone know who said it, or indeed, why? After it bugging me for the last few years I did a bit of research and it turns out no one is actually 100% sure. It’s has been attributed to both George Bernard Shaw (an Irish writer) and Oscar Wilde (an English one), but it turns out, neither of them ever said it fully and much like Gandhi’s “be the change you want to see in the world”, it’s a misquote, and one that is more often than not totally misused.
July 18 is Mandela Day, a time for everyone to reflect and recognise the incredible contributions one man made to an entire generation, an entire world. He serves as a beacon of hope for anyone who ever went against the fold and fought for what was right, regardless of the consequences. In our minds all year long, BUT today especially, he deserves our attention. Throughout the years there have been many documentaries, movies, and TV specials made on Mandela’s life...
This article first appeared on the World Economic Forum and is written by Ross Chainey. The US have just announced that they will feature a women on their upcoming redesign of the $10 bill! Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the bill, set to be unveiled in 2020, will honour “a woman who has contributed to and represents the values of American democracy.” The launch year was chosen to coincide with the 100th anniversary of women in the US gaining the right to...
Africa is a huge continent made up of 54 countries and over a billion people. But did you know that in Ethiopia, clocks are upside down with our 6:00 at their 12:00? This and 12 other incredible facts are sure to turn you into the captain at your next trivia tournament.
By Kedar Mankad and Emily Huie A pivotal moment is set in the calendar in a few short weeks. In Addis Ababa on 13-16 July, leaders and Ministers from around the world will gather to discuss how to finance development, just before the new Global Goals – the sustainable development goals – are set to be launched in September. 2015 represents an opportunity for the world to end extreme poverty once and for all. The development of these new goals and...