We’re experiencing a shared moment unlike any in living memory. COVID-19 is affecting our lives, our local communities, and the whole global community simultaneously. However, despite the challenges facing us all, there are countless examples that give us hope. People at all levels of society are coming together, proving that they can and will do whatever it takes to curb a crisis that threatens us all. Even though we are all at home, we can still share our voice. Together,...
There’s no doubt these are difficult times, but throughout Ireland, we’ve seen people from across communities come together to face this global pandemic. From doctors returning home from around the world to support our hospitals, to scouts making sure food and medicine gets delivered to the doorstep of older neighbors, and volunteers in soup kitchens continuing to serve up hot meals, it’s clear we’re in this together. And together we can make sure no one is left behind in this...
The current pandemic affects every person on the planet. It doesn’t matter where you come from, what language you speak, or which cultural background you come from: the virus does not know borders, nor social or racial distinctions. We are affected as one large community and we must face this challenge united, as one. COVID-19 reminds us that we all deserve to be treated equally and that now more than ever we need solidarity, hope, and political will to ensure...
The crisis we are currently experiencing is affecting every person on the planet. COVID-19 is impacting our lives, our local neighbourhoods, and the global community simultaneously. However, it has also inspired us to act — locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally — to support everyone in need and show that we are ready to look out for each other. If COVID-19 is teaching us that viruses don’t respect borders, it’s also true that solidarity doesn’t either — and this is where...
COVID-19 is having severe effects on high- and low-income countries alike. But there’s fear about what impact the virus could have in lower income countries that may be less equipped to tackle the pandemic. As of 6 April, there were 1,879 confirmed cases in low-income countries globally, but that number is likely an underestimation. To help keep people living in lower income countries healthy and safe, major global health organisations are stepping up their efforts to fight the spread of...
The ONE Campaign recently visited a primary healthcare center in Osun State to better understand the implementation of Huwe. ONE Campaign’s Innocent Edache describes the transformation and promise. “What would life be like without Huwe?” The question caused a pause in Mrs. Agunbiade, the warm, eager officer in charge at Ipole Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC) in Atukumosa East Local Government Area of Osun State. Huwe is a government programme designed to provide a basic minimum package of health services to...
The news cycle has been dominated by coverage of COVID-19 — and while we have some news for you on the pandemic’s impact in Africa, we also have promising developments in the search for a vaccine, profiles of women who are changing the world, and some stories of hope and joy amid global shutdowns. Countries brace for the spread of COVID-19 in Africa Earlier this week, Rwanda became the first sub-Saharan African nation to order a total shutdown as COVID-19 spreads...
Lulu Gaitan Kayage is a woman ahead of her time. She is one of the few female boxers in Tanzania and she is fighting for recognition of women in the heavily male-dominated sport. “In Tanzania, there is the belief that women boxers are not yet a thing,” says 30-year-old Lulu.  But Lulu has been boxing since she was 18 years old, and she won her first international match in South Africa in 2013 when she was 23.  Since then, she has won...
It’s no secret that water is vitally important; it is one of the absolute essentials for life. And its impact extends far into other important issues — including issues that impact poverty. Here are four such issues where poverty and water intersect: Health Proper hygiene is one of the best ways we have to ward off preventable diseases. The current COVID-19 pandemic is driving this point home stronger than ever, as hand-washing is one of the best tools we have in slowing...
For this year’s International Women’s Day, we focused on the need to accelerate progress towards global gender equality. It’s going to take almost 100 years to achieve gender equality for all women everywhere. This is unacceptable. Progress is far too slow. We require new and radical solutions, and to think the unthinkable in order to get there faster. None of us are equal until all of us are equal. Women in leadership Ahead of IWD, our CEO Gayle Smith was in...