During these uncertain times, snippets of good news are more rewarding than ever. That’s why we have our eyes on Senegal. Senegal is emerging as one of the world’s leaders in the fight against COVID-19. In April, the country has seen a decrease in the number of hospitalised patients, Senegal’s coronavirus-related deaths remain low, and the country has clocked the highest rate of recovery of coronavirus patients in Africa. Here’s a look at four ways Senegal is innovating in it’s COVID-19...
In just three months, COVID-19 has upended life in Africa. Around 70,000 people have been infected and over 2,000 have died. Statistically, the African continent has been spared from the high concentration of cases seen elsewhere. Politically, in a world where there is a deficit on global leadership, we have seen the African Union step up to ensure a coordinated response across the continent, particularly in supporting countries with weak health systems and pushing for debt restructuring. However, the reality remains...
The immediate health needs of COVID-19 are immense — but that doesn’t mean other health, economic, and societal needs are standing still. “There’s a tendency to look at the pandemic in a linear way,” explains ONE CEO Gayle Smith. But by doing that, we miss the fact that it is layered and has a cascading impact on the economy, food security, and the risk of other diseases. We gathered three experts to discuss the issues we can’t forget during this pandemic....
COVID-19 is a global pandemic that requires a global response to smother its ever-increasing reach. In the wake of its spread though, ONE staff have been awed to witness the incredible acts of humanity taking place to protect those most in need and to help flatten the curve. Across the globe, people are banding together in solidarity to support the heroes on the frontlines and do their parts to stop the spread. We put an open call out to our...
The costs of the COVID-19 pandemic are going to be monumental. Africa alone is estimated to need US$100-$200 billion to address the impact. In higher income countries, governments have stepped forward with trillions in economic stimulus packages. But the majority of developing countries do not have the money to cover the costs of this pandemic. Debt relief is one of the fastest, most effective means of freeing up cash in developing country budgets. The recent G20 agreement to suspend debt...
Google the words “African Union” and you will find two out of the four top questions are “What is the purpose of the African Union?” and “Why was the African Union formed?” The answers? The African Union (AU) was formed for times like these – a global moment that requires global collaboration. The AU was formed to increase cooperation and integration of African states to drive Africa’s growth and economic development. With a crisis of a century such as the...
Developing a vaccine is key to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, and there are currently almost 100 COVID vaccine candidates under development. During a recent press briefing, Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, explained that “in an extraordinary time like this is the world coming to fully appreciate the need for vaccines … people understand more why it’s so important.” “If we want to end this pandemic, minimise the loss of life, and return to some semblance of normality …...
The COVID-19 outbreak is a reminder that diseases do not respect borders or labels. Within months, the pandemic has affected nearly every person on the planet regardless of their age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status. The global response must be similarly equitable, reaching beyond borders and benefiting all people everywhere African countries have seen fewer cases than the rest of the world, but are preparing themselves for the worst. The pandemic has already caused devastating economic effects on the continent,...
The world is in the midst of a global crisis, and the global health community is racing to flatten the pandemic’s curve and find a vaccine for COVID-19. Global health systems and security are crucial right now, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, has been investing in improving global health for the past 20 years. Here are six things Gavi grants and funds help support, and why it’s crucial that these programmes are funded. 1. Making sure a COVID-19 vaccine reaches those...