Primary health care in Ethiopia

Dr Gebreab Barnabas, Head of the Regional Health Bureau in Tigray province, talked to ONE recently about a primary health care programme that has been running in Ethiopia. The scheme, which started 5 years ago, involves the training 30,000 female health extension workers nationally, including 1,800 in Tigray. Supported by the Ethiopian government, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, UNICEF and other partners, it also involves the building of more than 3000 heath centres. Programmes such as this...
From Day 2 of our listening/learning trip to Ghana and Ethiopia. You can read more about our trip here. On Wednesday, June 17th, ONE and RED took a group of American influentials just outside Addis to the Golden Rose Agrofarms in the town of Tefki. They are one of the pioneers of the cut flower industry in Ethiopia. Cut flowers are a major agricultural product for Ethiopia and exports have grown from $13 million in 2004/2005 to $23 million...
You can now watch Alicia Keys’ new documentary about her trip to Africa with the group Keep a Child Alive. Below, a excerpt from the film and a note from Alicia. Hey ONE members Check out my journey to Africa where I met some of the most inspirational people I have ever met in my life. People who are struggling but still retain an immense dignity. What my journey told me is that we must all come together as a...