Our campaign to start a global food revolution and put nutrition firmly on the agenda of world leaders is really picking up speed.   An amazing 266,000 people have added their voice so far, and with leaders meeting for a nutrition summit in just a few weeks, they will have to start listening. Our infographic tells the story of how malnutrition is affecting all of us, no matter where we live. Please share it and if you haven’t already, add your name...
This week is Children’s Book Week which aims to instill a lifelong love of reading in children. Our US intern Brittany Walters has tracked down six great books that tackle serious issues like HIV and globalisation, which can help young people develop an understanding of the world around them through storytelling.  You can buy them all online too. Little Feet, Big Steps by Brit Sharon A coming of age story about Gabby, a young girl who signs up for an AIDS Walk in her city. She...
Our guest blogger today is the MTV Africa VJ, singer and activist from Tanzania, Vanessa Mdee.  Writing as an ambassador for the GAVI Alliance, her post celebrates the recent news that the HPV vaccine to protect women and girls from cervical cancer is set to drop in price for 50 of the world’s poorest countries.  I’m trying to think of the first time my mother had ‘The Talk’ (yes the birds and the bees talk) with me. The talk that...
Jamie Gentille, an HIV/AIDS advocate who works with organizations like ONE and the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, shares her experience growing up HIV-positive in the US.  When I was a kid, my life was a secret.  I couldn’t tell my friends that I contracted HIV from a blood transfusion during open-heart surgery when I was three. I couldn’t tell my teachers why I missed so much school for medical appointments. That information stayed within the four walls of my house,...
“A cat has a lot in common with a politician. When it’s hungry it’ll come and rub up against you, and then the rest of the day it just sits there”. – Michael Soi Michael Soi is a Nairobi based artist whose pieces provide a personal reflection and satirical commentary on contemporary social, economic and political trends in Kenya. ONE’s Hannah Elansary got the chance to talk to Michael about his art. Michael in his studio. Photo credit: hiphopkambi.wordpress.com When did you start painting ? I...
Our guest blogger today is Jennifer Abrahamson from the International Center for Research on Women. Susheela and her children. Photo: Jennifer Abrahamson / ICRW The Indian state of Haryana, a short drive from the capital New Delhi, is known for its social conservatism, a declining female population due to sex selection, and more recently, for a number of brutal rapes reported by the national media. As I would soon learn, life in rural India is full of contrasts and contradictions. The first...
ONE co-founder Bono made the case that eliminating extreme poverty is possible by 2030 during his speech at the 2013 TED Conference in Long Beach, California, yesterday. The 2005 TED Prize winner said that transparency, coupled with information technology, is helping to power the fight to the finish – and a new generation of fact-based activists, or “factivists,” could lead the way.  Bono encouraged the audience of changemakers to fight apathy, cynicism and inertia and use evidence and statistics to...
Say that your country is blessed with natural resources. Oil, gas, minerals – it has it all. The future looks good. But deep down you worry that the bonanza could turn into a bust – maybe you live in Africa and have seen how windfalls have been wasted before. How do you know that’s not going to happen now? Are there any tell-tale signs of sound management of “commodity wealth”? Marcelo Giugale, the World Bank’s Director of Economic Policy and...
The following is a guest blog from Dr. Allan Mayi who is a Senior Technical Advisor (ART) with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) and coordinates the EGPAF – Tunaweza Project based in Lodwar, Turkana County (Kenya). I have been working with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) for the last five years. Before that, I was with the Kenyan Ministry of Health for another five years. During these 10 years of working in the general health field...
Last week in London, the Omidyar Network, the UK Department for International Development, and WIRED magazine hosted a one-day conference on transparency and open government called Open Up!. You may have seen this post where we encouraged you all to send your ideas of how technology can help open government to #OpenUp12 on Twitter. One of the many impressive groups that presented their work at Open Up! was Digital Green. Digital Green is a technology-centric grassroots campaign focused on increasing...