
Stories, insights, and perspectives on activism

ONE Blog

Read stories, how-to tips, and more about using your activism to fight for justice and global change.

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10 female inventors you should definitely know about

10 female inventors you should definitely know about

6 stories you might have missed in August

6 stories you might have missed in August

Science at super speed during COVID-19

Science at super speed during COVID-19

We must believe in our power as women

We must believe in our power as women

5 apps invented by inspiring girls

5 apps invented by inspiring girls

There’s a vaccine revolution in the DRC

There’s a vaccine revolution in the DRC

6 stories you might have missed in January

6 stories you might have missed in January

A young ‘techpreneur’ is coding her way to change in Tanzania

A young ‘techpreneur’ is coding her way to change in Tanzania

These innovative smart lockers are improving access to medication

These innovative smart lockers are improving access to medication

5 African innovators to watch in 2019 and beyond

5 African innovators to watch in 2019 and beyond

A farm-to-fork online delivery service means more profit for Kenya’s farmers

A farm-to-fork online delivery service means more profit for Kenya’s farmers

Why Rwandan women are missing out on the tech boom

Why Rwandan women are missing out on the tech boom

ONE Data & Analysis

Data and analysis on the economic, political, and social changes impacting Africa.