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ONE asks politicians to ‘Just Say Yes’ and stand up for world’s poorest

Anti-poverty campaign group ONE is calling on all prospective parliamentarians to do their bit for the world’s poorest should they get elected on 7 May.

ONE’s ‘Just Say Yes’ campaign – launching today – asks would-be MPs to commit to helping the fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa.

ONE members and Youth Ambassadors are set to meet their constituency candidates up and down the country ahead of election day, inviting them to ‘Just Say Yes’ and sign ONE’s election pledge.

By signing the pledge, politicians will show that they believe the UK should keep its promises to the world’s poorest.

The ‘Just Say Yes’ pledge calls on candidates of all parties to agree that most of the UK’s lifesaving aid should be focused on those who have the least.(1)

The pledge also stresses that girls and women should be at the centre of development, and that all parts of the next government should work together to build a better and safer world.

Diane Sheard, UK Director of ONE, said: “We should not underestimate the vital role that the new Parliament can play in the global fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease. The British electorate should be proud that UK aid is among the most effective and most transparent in the world, and that it has saved literally millions of lives. Our new MPs have a duty to continue this global leadership over the next five years.”

Political candidates will be approached by ONE’s Youth Ambassadors who will lead the way in persuading the hopeful MPs to sign the pledge and show that supporting UK aid is a crucial issue to young voters.

The 35 Youth Ambassadors – who live across the country from Exeter to Edinburgh – will be campaigning around the general election ahead of travelling to Germany for the G7 Summit just a few weeks later. Their work is all aimed at marking 2015 as a huge year of global action.

Diane Sheard continued: “Aspiring MPs should take note: ONE’s Youth Ambassadors and members want their representatives to continue the fight against extreme poverty. That’s why they are demanding action now and why we are calling on candidates to sign our pledge.

“2015 is a significant year not just for the British electorate but for citizens of all developing countries.  Whoever forms the next government will be attending important international summits within weeks of entering Downing Street.  Decisions taken at the G7 Summit in Germany in early June and the United Nations Summit in September will shape the world for the next generation or more.”

To find out more about ‘Just Say Yes’ and how you can get involved in the fight against extreme poverty, please click here(2)


Notes to Editors

  • ONE is calling for at least 50 per cent of all aid to be invested in the least developed countries (LDCs). For more information about this, and ONE’s other recommendations for aid financing, please see our 2014 DATA Report