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G7 in Italy: Pointless Platitudes in Puglia 

14th June. As G7 leaders end their annual summit, The ONE Campaign signals disappointment at another missed opportunity from G7 and EU leadership to show real ambition and agree on new commitments to support developing countries.  

While the G7 leaders touted renewed partnerships with Africa, analysis from ONE found that the G7 and EU Institutions’ share of aid going to Africa is at its lowest point since 1973.  

David McNair, Executive Director at The ONE Campaign said: “Without any concrete action, the G7 in Italy amounts to no more than pointless platitudes in Puglia. The G7 leaders had an opportunity to chart an ambitious path forward on economic development, but this year’s summit sorely missed the mark. While the communiqué reflects promises of increased partnership between the G7 and Africa, there are very few specifics on what new financing, if any, will be available.  

The stakes remain high, and we must continue to push for more ambition from G7 leaders as we head into the replenishments for the World Bank’s IDA and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.” 

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Background/Notes to Editor  

The analysis looks at G7 countries and EU Institutions’ share of ODA to Africa from 1960 to 2022 (the most recent, complete year of data).  

About The ONE Campaign  

ONE is a global, nonpartisan organization advocating for the investments needed to create economic opportunities and healthier lives in Africa. Our trusted advocacy uses hard-hitting data, grassroots activism, political engagement, and strategic partnerships to influence decision-makers. Learn more at www.one.org.