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These stories of solidarity will bring you hope


COVID-19 is a global pandemic that requires a global response to smother its ever-increasing reach. In the wake of its spread though, ONE staff have been awed to witness the incredible acts of humanity taking place to protect those most in need and to help flatten the curve. Across the globe, people are banding together in solidarity to support the heroes on the frontlines and do their parts to stop the spread.

We put an open call out to our ONE Supporters and asked them to share their stories of solidarity with us. Below are a small selection of the responses we received. We hope these stories lift you in the days ahead like they’ve lifted all of us here at ONE.

Alfredo Pellegrini, United Kingdom

At this time when the whole world is coping with this virus, people are coming together, helping each other, caring for each other, and looking out for the vulnerable in the community. When this virus comes to end, hopefully the world will be changed for the better, where people are still helping the vulnerable, the discriminated, and people’s behaviour have changed. They say that a crisis brings people, communities, countries together. Let’s hope this crisis has changed the world for the better good of people.

Pedro Costa, Portugal

I’m not in quarantine. Why? Because I work at a transportation company. We import and export fruit and other food. It’s truly difficult to arrive home and you can’t kiss your loved ones. You try to stay away from them as much as possible, because you don’t know if you are infected or not. But, like everything, this too shall pass. Every day I see doctors getting out of their homes to treat people. Every day I see the police advising people to stay at home. Every day I see volunteers buying food for the elders. Every day I get out of bed and go to work so people will have food on their table. We will get through this, and we will be stronger as a community. I truly believe this will unite people and even countries.

Lulit Y. Mengesha, Ethiopia

I have witnessed as a medical student my teachers at the frontline of the fight against COVID-19. It inspired me to register to volunteer for the national response led by the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia. The internet is full of resources to enhance one’s knowledge. I am taking courses related to COVID-19 patient care and you can take one related to your field. This time is not only a very sad and difficult period that costs thousands of lives, but also an opportunity for many to stay home to read, spend more time with family, and do things that were on the shelf for so long. As a ONE champion, I want to emphasize that it is important now, more than ever, to find ways to prevent the pandemic’s damage associated with poverty. To stand together is not a choice but a necessity in order to see everything back to normal.

Besidone Edun, Nigeria

Doctors, nurses, and medical experts who have relentlessly treated patients with the COVID-19. Also not forgetting the volunteers who have assisted in spreading the preventive measures of the coronavirus. I believe we all — citizens, government, and private firms — have our role to play towards curbing this virus. Let’s do more by educating people to remain safe, self isolate, and not panic. Together as a nation we can help prevent the spread of this virus.

Sikemi Okunrinboye, United Kingdom

These times are trying, tough times. It could be better days. I respect and salute all those who are helping us get through this period and working tirelessly: the health workers, the carers, store employees, the supporters, those on the other end of the call for people coping with mental health issues at this time, everyone. I want us to remember what matters most is the support and respect we give each other in trying times like this. The individual roles we play in getting through these tough times, the selflessness we portray when shopping or in just staying home. We need to remember that to fight this common enemy, we need to be ONE. These times will pass.

Trina Ferguson, Canada

In Vancouver at 7pm, some of the hospitals have a shift change. A huge movement has started where people have been standing on their balconies and banging pots and pans, cheering, clapping, holding signs, blowing horns to cheer on these incredible personnel. Also, a local, ground roots Facebook site has been mobilized to match up those offering help, with those needing help. It’s incredible to see everyone coming together in the world’s time of need.

Odigwe Gloria, Nigeria

The past few months have been intense, globally. Though the COVID-19 pandemic is such a terrible thing to happen, there is an underlying pro to also acknowledge; how it has united the world. For the first time, this is not about gender or wealth or economic status or fame or one country. It is simply about humanity, about survival and this resonates across the human race. In the face of a common, global enemy, artificial structures erected to differentiate us, race, color, language and culture, has become insignificant because we can only defeat this pandemic if we act and share, selflessly.

Pablo de Borman, Belgium

I think this time has brought so much solidarity from everyone and we realise what really matters: Having a roof over our head, food and water, and most importantly health. This makes me want to fight even more to end extreme poverty and to fight so that no one lives under bad conditions, and so that everyone has access to those basic rights, no matter where they come from, not only during a pandemic, but always.

Lefort Beatrice, Mauritius

COVID-19 has set off a wave of environmental, social, clinical, and economical crises. However, it has also pushed us to reconsider our behaviour and actions towards each other and humanity. This outbreak makes us realise that we are all in this together. It is affecting each one of us. It’s all of us, the world, against this disease. We should not lose our conscience, patience, and hope. Let’s pray for those afflicted. We should also all rely on facts, statistics, experiences, and put our trust in science.

Christopher Atsen, Nigeria

These are not normal times. COVID-19 knocks on our door and we know what comes with it. A single country can’t stop it. We are in this together and we must band together to defeat it.

Leonor Calaça, United Kingdom

My mother is a nurse at her local hospital. She is almost 65 and, being asthmatic, is afraid of catching COVID-19. She goes to work every day so she can help others. She has been calling patients to let them know they don’t have to show up to non-essential appointments, and then takes the time to ask how they are doing, if they have people to help them (they are cancer patients). Although I’m afraid my mother might get ill, I’m also so proud of the work she is doing and how she worries about those in need. She is my inspiration. For the sake of those who cannot self-isolate, let’s stay indoors and keep THEM safe. If we all do our parts, we’ll get through this safer. Thanks for reading.

Jonathan Reitzenstein, United States

As an urgent care physician, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of our friends and neighbours. One of them is a very talented seamstress and she has made dozens of very high quality masks for our clinic and our patients. In times of crisis, it is wonderful to see how many people reach out and serve.

Mache Kokkoti, Greece

During this difficult time, I take the opportunity to thank everyone who works for the benefit of the community be it doctors, nurses, pharmacists, employees in food markets, drivers in the public transportation, employees in airports and each and every one who puts the public interest as a priority. We should look at the bright side, the people who managed to recover from the virus infection. Let’s look over the rainbow. There is sunshine after the storm hopefully.

Andi Rahim, Indonesia

To all teachers, health workers, store employees, and many others who each day are going to work to make sure that our civilisation never ceases to make progress, we truly appreciate you. I believe, with the spirit of humanity, we will win the fight against COVID-19.

Do you have a story to share? Click here to tell us your Story of Solidarity

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