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Canadians Promote Open Letter to PM

Campaign update, ONE

This summer, supporters of ONE, Results, Grandmothers’ Advocacy Network, and more are encouraging their political representatives to sign an Open Letter to the Prime Minister.

The letter calls on Canada to pursue global policies built on development and prosperity.

Specifically, these Canadians are pushing for an ambitious Canada Africa Strategy, and fair share pledges to GAVI and the International Development Association. The text of the Open Letter can be found below:

Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

We, the undersigned Members of Parliament from across party lines, write to you today with a unified voice to emphasize the critical importance of developing and implementing an ambitious Canada-Africa Strategy that encompasses trade, humanitarian aid, development, and diplomacy. Africa represents a region of immense potential and opportunity for Canada, and a well-crafted strategy could yield significant benefits for both regions. Fostering stronger trade ties with African nations, Canada can unlock new markets and economic opportunities, promote sustainable development, and strengthen Canada’s position as a global leader. Further, Africa plays an increasingly important role in international affairs, and building demonstrable strong diplomatic ties with African nations can help Canada amplify its voice on key global issues such as climate change, security, and sustainable development. We believe the Government of Canada should prioritize strategic investments in the Canada Africa Strategy, particularly in bolstering immunization efforts through Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), and the International Development Association (IDA).

It is important to note the impact GAVI has had on the African Continent. Gavi supports the roll-out of the world’s first malaria vaccines and has already allocated 80 million doses to high-risk populations in 22 African countries, aiming to reach 9.7 million children in 2024 alone. Additionally, between 2014 and 2022, more than 12.3m girls in Africa have been immunized against human papillomavirus (HPV), the main cause of cervical cancer, and more than 27 African countries had introduced the HPV vaccine with Gavi support. In December 2022, the Gavi Board approved the revitalization of the Alliance’s HPV vaccine program with a US$ 600m+ investment through 2025 – aiming to reach 86m+ girls and prevent 1.4m+ future deaths from cervical cancer. By improving access to new and under-used vaccines for millions of the most vulnerable children, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is transforming the lives of individuals, helping to boost the economies of countries and making the world safer for everyone. By leveraging the strength of the Vaccine Alliance to improve child health and PHC, we are working in support of the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Gavi’s support helps improve global health security by reducing the risk of infectious disease outbreaks that have epidemic and pandemic potential. Crucial to this engagement is Gavi’s support for emergency vaccine stockpiles to protect against the epidemic-prone diseases cholera, Ebola, meningococcal meningitis and yellow fever.

Africa’s leaders emphasize the vital role of the International Development Association (IDA) as the main provider of concessional finance to Africa. They stress IDA’s cost-effectiveness and its focus on meeting the unique needs of each country. More than half of IDA countries are in Africa, receiving significant support. In the last fiscal year, Africa received the majority of IDA commitments and grants, with eight of the top 10 borrowers being African. IDA funds are crucial for Africa, enabling countries to lead their development projects. They are especially vital for countries facing debt vulnerabilities, providing essential capital and grants. IDA also swiftly responds to crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, adjusting financing to meet urgent needs. For donor countries, investing in IDA yields significant returns, making it essential to maintain support amid economic challenges. With each dollar invested resulting in a $3.5 return, supporting IDA not only aids in Africa’s development but also provides a sound investment opportunity for donor nations during global economic uncertainty.

While the humanitarian benefits of such investments are undeniable, it’s equally important to recognize the substantial advantages Canada stands to gain. Investing in Gavi and IDA is not merely an act of goodwill; it’s a strategic decision that promises substantial returns for Canada’s economic and diplomatic interests. By contributing to Gavi and IDA, Canada reinforces its position as a global leader in health equity and humanitarian assistance. This not only enhances Canada’s international reputation but also strengthens diplomatic ties with partner countries in Africa, paving the way for mutually beneficial partnerships and trade opportunities. Furthermore, supporting immunization efforts through Gavi and IDA aligns with Canada’s commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. Fulfilling these goals not only fosters a healthier and more prosperous world but also opens new avenues for Canadian businesses and investors in emerging markets. Moreover, investing in Gavi and IDA fosters innovation and economic growth both at home and abroad. It fuels research and development in the healthcare sector, creating opportunities for Canadian biotech companies and contributing to job creation and economic resilience in Canada.

In conclusion, the Canada Africa Strategy presents an unparalleled opportunity for Canada to make a lasting impact on global health while advancing its own economic and diplomatic interests. By strategically investing in Gavi and IDA, Canada can play a pivotal role in shaping a healthier and more prosperous future for all. We urge you to recognize the tremendous potential inherent in these investments and to prioritize the Canada Africa Strategy as part of Canada’s commitment to global health equity and economic prosperity. Africa represents a region of immense potential and opportunity for economic growth and trade. By investing in Africa, Canada can tap into emerging markets, access valuable resources, and foster mutually beneficial partnerships that drive economic prosperity for both regions.

We look forward to your leadership and support in advancing this vital initiative.