
Stories, insights, and perspectives on activism

ONE Blog

Read stories, how-to tips, and more about using your activism to fight for justice and global change.

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Raising the voice of the youth: a seat at the table is not enough

Raising the voice of the youth: a seat at the table is not enough

COVID-19, the wake up call for global action

COVID-19, the wake up call for global action

We may be able to do more than we’ve done in the past

We may be able to do more than we’ve done in the past

COVID-19 and the world after: A youth committed to international solidarity

COVID-19 and the world after: A youth committed to international solidarity

Become a young activist

Become a young activist

COVID19, Le monde d’après : Regards croisés d’une jeunesse engagée en faveur de la solidarité internationale.

COVID19, Le monde d’après : Regards croisés d’une jeunesse engagée en faveur de la solidarité internationale.

1 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in Africa

1 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in Africa

3 ways the African Union could step up its leadership during COVID-19

3 ways the African Union could step up its leadership during COVID-19

Leaders, here are 10 ways you must step up to tackle COVID-19

Leaders, here are 10 ways you must step up to tackle COVID-19

African artists ‘Stand Together’ in new African anthem during COVID

African artists ‘Stand Together’ in new African anthem during COVID

Mandela Foundation highlights fight against hunger during COVID-19

Mandela Foundation highlights fight against hunger during COVID-19

Diving into the data: Monitoring COVID-19 emergency funds in Africa

Diving into the data: Monitoring COVID-19 emergency funds in Africa

ONE Data & Analysis

Data and analysis on the economic, political, and social changes impacting Africa.