
Stories, insights, and perspectives on activism

ONE Blog

Read stories, how-to tips, and more about using your activism to fight for justice and global change.

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COVID’s Aftershocks: The biggest jump in food prices in a decade

COVID’s Aftershocks: The biggest jump in food prices in a decade

Is there a place for tax incentives in post-COVID Africa?

Is there a place for tax incentives in post-COVID Africa?

COVID’s Aftershocks: The 21st century’s ‘Chernobyl moment’

COVID’s Aftershocks: The 21st century’s ‘Chernobyl moment’

COVID’s Aftershocks: Could we have prevented this?

COVID’s Aftershocks: Could we have prevented this?

Diving into the data: How unequal COVID-19 vaccine distribution could prolong the pandemic

Diving into the data: How unequal COVID-19 vaccine distribution could prolong the pandemic

5 COVID-19 trends the world should leave behind

5 COVID-19 trends the world should leave behind

COVID’s Aftershocks: How India’s outbreak is affecting Africa

COVID’s Aftershocks: How India’s outbreak is affecting Africa

5 key questions about a COVID-19 vaccine

5 key questions about a COVID-19 vaccine

COVID’s Aftershocks in Africa: Vaccine rollout hits the breaks

COVID’s Aftershocks in Africa: Vaccine rollout hits the breaks

COVID’s Aftershocks in Africa: Will Africa pay twice for climate change?

COVID’s Aftershocks in Africa: Will Africa pay twice for climate change?

COVID’s Aftershocks in Africa: A tale of 2 global economies

COVID’s Aftershocks in Africa: A tale of 2 global economies

COVID’s Aftershocks in Africa: How many more years in Pandemica?

COVID’s Aftershocks in Africa: How many more years in Pandemica?

ONE Data & Analysis

Data and analysis on the economic, political, and social changes impacting Africa.