As part of our #PassTheMic series, where global health experts take over celebrities’ social media channels to discuss COVID-19, Actress Julia Roberts interviewed Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Here’s Julia’s interview with “maybe the coolest man on the planet right now.” Hear more from experts in our #PassTheMic campaign,  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more.
Before COVID-19, 135 million were experiencing hunger so severe that it threatened their lives and livelihoods. Now with COVID-19, that number could double by the end of 2020. Pandemics and hunger crises go hand in hand. COVID-19 is no different. The economic impact of the pandemic translates into poverty as millions of people’s sources of income fall due to job losses. Remittances to low-and middle-income countries are expected to fall by 20% in 2020, more than double international aid to...
Here at ONE, we’ve been campaigning to support Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance’s third replenishment since the start of the year. Just two months into our campaign, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Just because COVID-19 is dominating headlines doesn’t mean the risk of other diseases goes away. So, during this unprecedented time, Gavi has stepped up to continue routine immunisation, protect healthcare workers with PPE, perform training, and fund diagnostic tests. Countries around the world are working together...
Dr. Bonaventura Clotet is the director and president of Fundació Lluita contra la Sida (Fight against AIDS Foundation). We interview Dr. Clotet as part of our #PassTheMic campaign. Here’s some of what he had to say. This is a virus that recombines significantly, which is why it became even more contagious. So we need to design a new strategy that can cope with all these variations and mutations. I think what’s very important these days is that we move forward to set...
Dr. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala is chair of the GAVI board and the former finance minister of Nigeria. Danai Gurira interviewed Dr. Okonjo-Iweala as part of our #PassTheMic series. Here’s some of what she had to say. This pandemic has made the world wake up to interconnectedness — how we are so interconnected that people in a remote area in one country are connected to a remote area in another country. What that says to me is that no one in the world...
The ONE Africa Award celebrates African efforts aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG targets range from halving extreme poverty to stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing primary education for all. The ONE Africa Award recognises Africa-driven and Africa-led advocacy efforts that demonstrate success at the community, national, or regional level. It rewards and advances the exceptional work of organisations founded by Africans and based in Africa, dedicated to advancing development goals on the continent. The US$100,000...
Dr. Craig Spencer works in an emergency department in charge of its global health programme and is on the board of directors of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). We interviewed Dr. Spencer as part of our #PassTheMic series. Here’s some of what he had to say. We’re not safe until this virus is controlled everywhere, whether it’s in Alabama or Burundi. I recognize that for us in the US, the acute focus needs to be on our preparation and saving lives...
Dr. Jen Kates is senior vice president and director of global health & HIV policy at The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Actress Connie Britton interviewed Dr. Kates as part of our #PassTheMic series. Here’s some of what she had to say. One of the ongoing challenges that comes up again and again, whether you’re talking about testing capacity, supplies, or what’s going to happen when there’s a vaccine, is this tendency for everyone to pull inward and not realize...
David Anderson is director of quality and infection prevention and control at Nightingale Hospital in Manchester, UK. He is a frontline nurse and humanitarian health advisor with UK-Med. He worked in Sierra Leone in 2014 during the Ebola epidemic. We interviewed David as part of our #PassTheMic series. Here’s some of what he had to say. If you had an absolutely coordinated global response to coronavirus, one of the beauties would be that you’d have greater control. We would have a...
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is the former president of Liberia. We interviewed President Johnson-Sirleaf as part of our #PassTheMic series. Here’s some of what she had to say. Reflecting on our experience of dealing with Ebola, we know that a coordinated global response to COVID-19 is important. Isolation in close quarters, internally or internationally, cannot be achieved in this interconnected world of travel and communication. This was made very evident to us in our Liberian experience. Restraining the movement of people on international...