In September 2020, Vanessa and her husband, both residents of rural Makueni County in Kenya, reported to the FSD FinMark Trust COVID tracker, a survey of economic and social issue across seven African countries, that the couple had not gotten any work for three months, and the family was running out of food. Like Vanessa and her family, many respondents to the COVID tracker drew down their savings, asked for remittances, and borrowed from friends to survive the pandemic....
Dear Prime Minister Draghi, Finance Minister Franco cc G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, We warmly welcome the “People, Planet, Prosperity” framing of the Italian G20. We call upon the G20 Leaders and Finance Ministers meeting on February 26th to agree the following steps to deliver historic increases in the quality and quantity of financing for a global recovery that is job-rich, resilient, and environmentally, socially and financially sustainable. Together we must recognize that there are three concurrent crises to crack-...
Maryjacob Okwuosa, Mukhtar H. Modibbo are Youth Leaders for Global Partnership for Education. They raise awareness of the barriers to education and aim to increase the ambition of leaders for financing education and development.  The impact of COVID in Nigeria  The advent of the COVID pandemic has not only revealed the poor state of infrastructure and facilities in the health sector of Nigeria but also revealed the reality of the dilapidation and poor funding of the education sector. Aside from the...
A roundup of the latest news, stats, and analysis of COVID-19’s impact in Africa. View our data tracker and sign up for our weekly newsletter here, and read on for more on COVID’s impact on food security in Africa. But first, what to look for at this week’s G7 meeting. Top news War-time footing: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, new Italian Prime Minister and G20 Chair Mario Draghi, and US President Joe Biden have all said we are at war with...
Being alive in 2021 is another opportunity to cause positive transformations in our areas of interest. The year presents hope and glamour for ONE’s Champions. It is also full of uncertainties, especially following the lessons learned in 2020. Quite a silent year it was; from silencing the guns in Africa to the forced silence on the world economy courtesy of COVID-19. This does not in any way insinuate that the challenges of 2020 are gone. On the contrary, they remain...
Carine Umutoniwase is a Kenya ONE Champion and the founder of Footprints for Change. COVID-19 has crippled education systems worldwide, leading to the closure of schools for months in countries like Kenya. This saw millions of children out of school, confined to their homes. E-learning was instituted as a response to the learning loss that resulted from schools closing — but this increased inequality among learners, especially for those in underserved and marginalized communities that have limited supply to electricity...
Storytelling is essential — it helps us understand, learn about, and discover new communities, places, and more. Every day, journalists around the world work hard to tell stories that inform and inspire others. That’s why the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), the ONE Campaign and the family of Micahel Elliott partner annually to honor these amazing storytellers. Each year, the Michael Elliott Award for Excellence in African Storytelling is awarded to a promising journalist for their outstanding work covering...