Abuja – ONE Campaign welcomes the election of Senegal President Macky Sall, as the new African Union chairperson. President Macky Sall will serve as the AU chair until 2023. He begins his tenure as Africa experiences bouts of democratic backsliding, subdued economic outlook and massive job losses driven by covid-19 pandemic and a vaccination drive that has only seen 10% of the total population vaccinated against covid-19.   Speaking on behalf of the non-profit, ONE in Africa Executive Director Edwin Ikhuoria said: “We...
The nominations are in, and now it is time to meet the African musicians nominated for the 2021 Accountability Music Awards, which recognizes African artists and musicians speaking up about corruption in their music. The awards received over 200 nominations from Africans across the continent and we have put together a shortlist of this year’s nominees, created by ONE, Accountability labs, and Trace Africa. Meet the nominees WinkyD Wallace Chirumiko is a  Zimbabwean reggae-dancehall artist, also known as...
Corruption hinders progress to change the world for the better. In Africa specifically, it is a major barrier to economic growth and development, and for decades,  it has been the main driver of many Africans’ distrust in public institutions. It is such a barrier that when citizens of African countries speak up against it, there is usually a high chance of retaliation or negative consequences. In 2019, Zimbabwean artist Platinum Prince was abducted by armed men following the release...
Mrs. Shaibu recently went to a primary health centre (PHC) in the Federal Capital Territory with her very sick infant child. Her baby was running a temperature and was refusing to eat. After consultations with a doctor, the baby was diagnosed with malaria and Mrs. Shaibu was given a prescription for urgently needed medications. Instead of heading to the pharmacy to buy the drugs and start treatment, she remained seated in front of the doctor and begged to be given...
Here at ONE, we’ve been campaigning to support Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance’s third replenishment since the start of the year. Just two months into our campaign, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Just because COVID-19 is dominating headlines doesn’t mean the risk of other diseases goes away. So, during this unprecedented time, Gavi has stepped up to continue routine immunisation, protect healthcare workers with PPE, perform training, and fund diagnostic tests. Countries around the world are working together...
Isaac Olufadewa is a ONE Champion, medical doctor, and the executive director of Slum and Rural Health Initiative.  I vividly recall the fear in my 85-year-old grandmother’s voice when we talked in her living room about the novel coronavirus in early March. She was confused and didn’t understand  the COVID-19 pandemic. She was drowning in the overwhelming ocean of information largely in the world’s major languages such as English and French. As a medical doctor and adept communicator, I sat her...
COVID-19 has acted like a mirror of countries’ healthcare systems, revealing the vulnerabilities and pushing health systems to the brink. Worldwide over 3 million people have a confirmed case of COVID-19 and it has resulted in over 220,000 deaths. As countries balance the tightrope of a health, economic, and in some cases security crisis, everyone is asking: when will this pandemic be over? The answer is: when we have a vaccine or some effective remedies. However, when the vaccine is...
The ONE Campaign recently visited a primary healthcare center in Osun State to better understand the implementation of Huwe. ONE Campaign’s Innocent Edache describes the transformation and promise. “What would life be like without Huwe?” The question caused a pause in Mrs. Agunbiade, the warm, eager officer in charge at Ipole Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC) in Atukumosa East Local Government Area of Osun State. Huwe is a government programme designed to provide a basic minimum package of health services to...
On February 28th, the Nigerian government confirmed the first case of coronavirus in Nigeria — marking the first case in sub-Saharan Africa. While health authorities at state and federal levels are taking action to isolate and contain the virus, this incident is a reminder that diseases do not recognize or respect borders, especially in our interconnected world, and strong, well-resourced healthcare systems are necessary for outbreak preparedness. Unfortunately, Nigeria’s public health system is under-resourced and overwhelmed, resulting in poor health...