JobsNowAfrica Campaign
Partners and stakeholders
This initiative was created in collaboration with youth networks, think-tanks, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), businesses, and industry experts to address employment problems in Africa.
Our growing partnerships span across different regions of Africa and are dedicated to helping young people across the continent realize their full potential.
- AfriYan
- Abuja Global Shapers
- Asbl PECS
- APES-Togo (Acteurs Pour une Economie Solidaire)
- Africa Reconciled
- Africa coworkers
- AfriLabs
- BudgIT
- CNIOSP (Centre National de l’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle)
- Club Union Africaine-Togo
- Conseil National de la Jeunesse (CNJS)
- CeRES Togo
- Direction of Employment
- EAC Youth Ambassadors Platform
- Groupe des Hommes Voués au Développement (GHOVODI)
- Harambee
- INSEED (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques et Demographiques)
- Individual/African Leadership Institute
- Job Starter
- Jeune Chambre International
- Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies
- National Youth Council (NYC), Kenya
- Nigeria Youth SDGs Network
- Nigeria Economic Summit Group (NESG)
- Open Society Foundation
- Parole aux Jeunes
- Public Economics Laboratory (LEP)
- Pole Jeune
- Réseau des Associations Congolaises des Jeunes (RACOJ)
- RAFSET (Réseau Africain pour la Formation, la Science et L’Émergence des Talents)
- Réseau des Adolescents et Jeunes Congolais en Population et Développement (RAJECOPOD)
- Sim-Afrique
- Si Jeunesse Savait
- Together We Can Foundation TWCF
- Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF)
- West African Citizens Think Tank (WATHI)
- West Africa Democracy Radio
- Youth Agenda
- YouLead Africa Program
- Yes 4 Youth
- Youth Capital
- Youth Connekt Africa